What's The Difference Between MTHFR Endure & MTHFR Renew


This clip was taken from Dr. Purser's Facebook Live on August 9th, 2020. Dr. Purser briefly explains the main differences between the newly renamed MTHFR Renew and MTHFR Endure.

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The Folate Methylation Cycle is critical for the production of ATP (the currency cells utilize as energy). Certain genetic mutations passed down through generations cause deficiencies in the enzymes regulating this process. The most common mutation is the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene and its various versions. Some of these are the C677T or A2198C mutations on their corresponding chromosomal loci.

Genetic testing can be used to determine which, if any, mutations you may have. Heterozygous and homozygous variants of the genes can cause more intense symptoms of the MTHFR Genetic Mutation. Depending on which mutations you have, your general ATP production will be reduced compared to a “normal” genetic variant.


Both MTHFR Renew and MTHFR Endure are designed to bypass certain parts of the Methylation Cycle. Those with the MTHFR C677T genetic mutation cannot efficiently process Folate. Folate is a naturally occurring substance generally supplemented through diet. Additional folate with folic acid can become toxic to those with MTHFR mutations as they are ill-equipped to process it.

Instead, supplementing other parts of the Methylation Cycle (with 5-MTHF or with hydroxocobalamin) has shown great improvements to overall methylation function. Glucosamine Salt, or 5-MTHF, bypasses parts of the methylation cycle better for those with the C677T MTHFR Mutation than those with the A2198C. Hydroxocobalamin can be used as a less potent version of 5-MTHF but still have great effects for those with the A2198C mutation.


MTHFR RENEW is designed for those suffering from the Homozygous C677T MTHFR genetic mutation disease. This is the most devastating of the MTHFR genetic disorders, causing exhaustion, depression, and anxiety as cells struggle to produce any ATP. This is the supplement that most people start on until they start to feel the effects of overmethylation. At that point, many reduce dosage or begin using MTHFR Endure for a time. Finding a balance requires time and personal preference. For this reason, many patients use MTHFR Renew and MTHFR Endure.


MTHFR Endure was originally designed as a go-to product for anyone with any type of MTHFR Genetic Mutation. It utilizes hydroxocobalamin with a small dose of 5-MTHF as the main folate supportive supplement. The MTHFR Endure is generally used as the less potent version between MTHFR supporting products.

One can “renew” their methylation health with MTHFR Renew, and then “endure” the long-haul of genetic well-being with MTHFR Endure.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out or schedule an appointment with Dr. Purser. Both of these products are available for purchase at PhysicianDesigned.com.