Dan Purser MD

Learn more with Dr. Purser as he covers dementia and genetics!


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Dementia is a complex issue—no single supplement can guarantee prevention. But current science suggests that targeted nutrients, like those in Brite Brain, Resveratrol Supreme, and VARS Glutathione, offer a multidimensional defense:

  • They fuel your mitochondria (PQQ, CoQ10).

  • They shield neuron membranes (phosphatidylserine).

  • They fight inflammation and oxidative stress (resveratrol, quercetin, glutathione).

By combining these supplements with a healthy lifestyle—regular exercise, balanced nutrition, quality sleep, and stress management—you can significantly raise your odds of preserving cognitive health for the long haul.

Remember: Always discuss any new supplement regimen with your healthcare provider, especially if you have existing medical conditions or take prescription medications.

Supplement & Study Links

Research Articles:

  1. Pyrroloquinoline Quinone & Brain Function (PubMed)

  2. Dietary PQQ for Cognitive Function (PubMed)

  3. Phosphatidylserine, Inflammation & CNS (PMC)

Dementia Prevention

VARS Glutathione| Brite Brain | SOD Booster

Designed for dementia prevention, Brite Brain and VARS Glutathione are two Super Antioxidant products that contain the very antioxidant molecules that break down the plaques that build up in the brain (amyloid beta). PQQ has been studied and shown to do this over time, as well as cause mitochondrial biogenesis, meaning, new production of mitochondria in brain neuron cells. New mitos means more energy.

CoQ10 works specifically along the electron transport chain, the energy production pathway within mitochondria, as the last cofactor in this production line. ATP cannot be created without ubiquinone, the version of CoQ10 that we use in Brain Support. 

And glutathione works right along CoQ10 in that pathway too. Not only that, but it stands as the first line of defense against the oxidants that are produced during energy production. Glutathione is the Master Antioxidant for a reason, it is the protector and the workhorse for most all cellular functionality. Without it, you cannot survive. Only VARS Glutathione provides a truly functional glutathione supplement. 

Together PQQ ,CoQ10, and Glutathione provide the ULTIMATE antioxidant protection for dementia prevention, AND treatment. Protecting the functionality and efficiency of the neurons that make up your brain is THE BEST preventative measure for dementia. These products accomplish this perfectly and give real cognitive benefits now and in the future. 

A healthy brain now is a functioning brain later. 

I want to propose another additive protection. SOD Booster. Multiple studies have shown that chronic pains are another main cause of cognitive decline and dementia, both in the elderly and early onset. 

If your body has to fight constant pain and dedicate resources to maintaining failing joints, muscles, organs, and other tissues, it has less resources to dedicate to brain maintenance.

SOD and Glutathione work in sequence to tackle the strongest oxidants in the body, the superoxide radical oxygen molecules. SOD and Glutathione neutralize these and turn them into safe O2 and H2O. Reducing oxidative damage provides immense protection of your cells and your DNA, which in the long run, protects you from cognitive decline. 

Don’t just cover up pain, heal from it. SOD Booster is a great first step to do just this. Incorporate VARS Revive Glutathione for even more pain relief effects. Add in a functional collagen peptide to help rebuild aging tissues throughout the body. 

Look back at my PRP and Stem Cell treatments I did on my knees last year. I could not walk and was destined for a double knee replacement, but now I’m back to walking nearly 4 miles everyday. These treatments use a special process to harvest cells from your hip bone marrow to then inject them back into aging joints. My friend Dr. Richard Rosenthal in Park City, Utah is the doctor that developed this technique and is the best in the world at these treatments. 

All in all, the best protection against dementia is the maintenance and protection you can provide now. Look at my Designing Nutrigenomics course and other supplements I recommend for these treatments.

And best of all, get a CMA with Redox, schedule your appointment, and let’s work together to optimize your aging and give you THE BEST fighting chance possible. We’re all in this together. 

You got this. 

Dementia Genetic Panel

Take the guesswork out of what is causing memory loss through the analysis of eight gene variants.

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Dementia Prevention Supplementation

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