Dan Purser MD

The Purser Protocol for Fibromyalgia


Widespread Muscle Pain? Fatigue? Anxiety? Migraines?

These are some of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia.


Current treatment options for fibromyalgia symptoms include: SSRIs (anti depression meds), Analgesics, NSAIDs, Nerve Blockers, and Muscle Relaxants. All of these have addictive and long term side effects that merely MASK the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Are pain pills really the only option?

What if you could get to the ROOT of these symptoms? 

There’s a better way. A NATURAL WAY.

Jackson shares part of his weight loss journey and how overcoming his fibromyalgia symptoms unlocked his potential.

The true cause of fibromyalgia may be high, even toxic levels of copper in the blood and insufficient levels of copper inside cells.

But what causes copper to build up? 

Dysfunctional Protiens that handle Copper

Dysfunctional metallothioneins - specialized proteins that detox and move heavy metals around in your body. Due to several genetic errors, these proteins are unable to efficiently move copper, causing Copper Toxicity.

Steps to Combat Fibromyalgia 

Low Copper Diet - Learn More Here

  • Reduce the intake of copper in your diet by avoiding foods and supplements that contain high levels of copper 

  • Relieve pain by temporarily avoiding certain foods  

Detox from Excess Copper 

Restore Ceruloplasmin Function 

  • Supplement with key minerals and amino acids to make your proteins function correctly 

  • Perfect Supplement Blend: Copper Balance 

Dr. Purser explains how dysfunctional metallothioneins may be the real cause of fibromyalgia.

How do I get started? 

  1. Schedule a free introductory consultation to determine if The Purser Method® is a good program for your symptoms

  2. Start the Low Copper Diet - join the End Fibromyalgia Facebook Group and start avoiding foods rich in copper and stop any supplements that contain copper 

  3. Order Testing and Supplements

Testing for Fibromyalgia 

  1. Blood Serum Copper Levels - order through Direct Labs

  2. Intracellular Copper Levels - CMA Intracellular Micronutrient Testing

  3. Genetic Testing for the following using The Works Genetics:

    • Genes related to Glutathione (GSTP …)

    • Methylation Genes (MTHFR A2198C or C677T)

    • NAT2 and CBS (genes for high homocysteine levels)

These are all important tests, but the best to start with is Intracellular Micronutrient testing. This will show the copper deficiency inside your cells.


This may all be a bit overwhelming to take in, but following this protocol has lead to success for THOUSANDS of Fibromyalgia Patients.

It’s a journey, but you’re not alone.


End Fibromyalgia with Natural Options with Lois Schweigert 

The World’s First Support Group that THRIVES with Fibromyalgia utilizing the Purser Protocol for Fibromyalgia. 

This unique Facebook group is your ultimate resource to success stories, personal guidance, and support.

Download the Low Copper Diet Foods List.


Does Copper Toxicity and Heavy Metals = Fibromyalgia?

Recorded Course by Dan Purser MD. Reach to jackson@aespmi.com to access this course for FREE!


We’re just a message away.

Clinic: 801-796-7667 or info@danpursermd.com

Questions about protocol: jackson@aespmi.com